A beautiful interior.

Colours that quicken the pulse, finishes of uncommon depth.

The home you desire, the craftsmanship you deserve.

waterfall 1
townmore 2
townmore 1
magazine road
macroom apt 2
macroom apt 1
killyan lynch
templemartin BA 3
templemartin BA 2
templemartin BA 1
waterfall 1
townmore 2
townmore 1
magazine road
macroom apt 2
macroom apt 1
killyan lynch
templemartin BA 3
templemartin BA 2
templemartin BA 1

  • Diligent, thorough preparation.
    It’s an old saw within the painting industry that quality preparation is 90% of a quality finish–we believe optimal preparation tends towards an even higher component of the final product. We prepare to succeed; we prepare your interior for beauty.

  • The Fine Art of Detail. 
    Our painters are craftspeople, skilled at the fine art of applying detailed finishes to your every specification.
  • Superior customer service. 
    We are committed to the fine art of exceeding your expectations: your estimator and our operations department will make it a point to touch base with you frequently over the course of your project and are always but a phone call away; our staff onsite are available to respond immediately to all of your questions and concerns.
  • Craftsmanship. The results speak for themselves.